Melissa K Fontanini aka MissyKat

is a Digital Artist with degrees from OSU and USC. She's currently working as a freelance 3D Generalist - Artist, Animator, Instructor - as well as focusing on her own tangible art

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My work for Verizon Citi Mets - Mr. Met Head

Now this project is definitely April 2010

I modeled and textured the Mr. Met Head for a kiosk installation at the Verizon Citi Mets stadium.  Patrons could walk by the kiosk, line up their heads in the monitor, and boom....the Mr. Met Head pops onto their head.  After a little while, a photo is taken and you were able to email it to whomever you liked.

In the video:  the bottom left is of the actual on-site installation of the project.  The top left is a test/demonstration of the augmented reality implementation of the project. The top right is the reference photo I was given in order to create the 3D model.


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